Afghanistan Humanitarian Response

From Objective Earth



Region Somalia
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ProjectLeader Madden Manion

We seek to meet the critical needs of 600,000 people. CARE has worked in Afghanistan since 1961. We are a trusted provider of humanitarian assistance, with strong relationships in local communities and a proven track record of supporting the most vulnerable, especially women and girls.


The security situation in Afghanistan continues to deteriorate. The capital city of Kabul, the last major area under government control, fell over the weekend to the Taliban - the latest chapter in Afghanistan's decades-long struggle with conflict and turmoil. Many Afghans fear that hard-won development gains, particularly for women and girls, will disappear. While the world watches and waits to see what unfolds, humanitarian needs are mounting.

Long-Term Impact

CARE is committed to staying in Afghanistan and continuing our programmatic work



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[[Category:Disaster Response Projects]], [[Category:Help Afghan families affected by conflict and displacement Projects]]

[[Category:Disaster Response Projects in Afghanistan]], [[Category:Help Afghan families affected by conflict and displacement Projects in Afghanistan]]